Changing Women’s Health One Second & One Story At a Time


Founded in 2023 at Harvard Medical School by Sahana Narayan, an award-winning journalist, public health scholar, and aspiring physician, the 11 Seconds Magazine believes in listening to stories that are not always heard. As a medical literary magazine focused on ‘women's health’ and wellness, and all of the many dimensions underlying it, we want to capture the experiences of new and old thinkers, writers, and artists.

SPECIAL EDITION: One Year Anniversary Issue

Perfectly Curated For You

You’re Invited to Celebrate Our One Year Anniversary With Us!


What’s in a year? The easy answer is time, but that begs another question — what is time and how can we define it? If we were to explore it theoretically, then it’s really a dilemma of both relativity and quantum mechanics, so in the words of Einstein, the rate of time all depends on your frame reference. Such relativity, no matter how you slice it, suggests that we ought to really consider what our reference point is (and should be). 

Time is, after all, a luxury that we often overlook. An expensive indulgence that we spend much of our youth trying to circumvent, shortcut, and manipulate. But whether we look at time as relative, or a unit of quantum measurement, or even as something else entirely, the truth remains ... .there are 60 seconds in a minute, 86,400 seconds in a day, and 31,536,000 seconds in a year. 

And it is now time for us to celebrate those 31 million seconds, because 11 Seconds Magazine is officially a year old! If you told me a year ago that we would be here now, with 3 issues under our belt, an amazing, brilliant, and talented editorial board, and all of you, I would not have believed it. There’s always a fear that our creations will be nothing but monsters, entities that do not serve us or others well (an adage that none other than Mary Shelly herself gifted us). But, the truth is, I am so beyond proud of this magazine and every single piece of work that we have published so far, and I know that this is just the beginning. 

All our writers and artists have not only showcased their talents, but also their vulnerability and their willingness to engage in a topic of healthcare that is so often shied away from. It is not easy to write about your life. Believe me, I would rather take writing thousands of fictional words first over exposing myself through the written word, and it is just as much a privilege as it is a meaningful challenge to do so. But the fact of the matter remains, the truth deserves to be shared, and these stories deserve to be told. So, I hope you enjoy our special edition Anniversary Issue, where we take a walk down memory lane, where we introduce ourselves to some new ideas, and where we challenge our notions and preconceptions. In doing so, I hope that we are all able to come out of this with the truth, the real story, and the reminder that time is a luxury that is worth spending on the right things. 

— Sahana Narayan, Editor in Chief

Issue Three: The Beauty and the Body

A Book of Fairytales and Monsters, Galore!

Trigger Warning: Content Involving Body Image, Body Dysmorphia, and Eating Disorders

This content may include discussions or depictions related to body image, body dysmorphia, and eating disorders, which could potentially trigger distressing emotions or thoughts. Please be mindful of your mental and emotional well-being while engaging with this material. If you are currently struggling with these issues or feel overwhelmed, consider seeking support from a trusted individual or mental health professional. Take care of yourself and prioritize your mental health above all else.


Dearest Reader, 

I am delighted to introduce you to Issue 3: The Beauty and The Body. 

I will admit, this issue’s title was wholeheartedly inspired by The Beauty and the Beast. The origins of the story, a true French tale originating in the 1700s, does however ask us to do one thing: can you look beyond what you see to find what’s really inside? Whether that’s beauty, truth, love, or justice, there is something to be said about looking past what is right in front of us, to really discover the truth. 

Medicine is, interestingly enough, a lot like this. Look beyond a set of symptoms, attached to a body we see in front of us, to come up with a diagnosis. It’s not a foolproof system. But these bodies that we see in front of us, much like the Beast’s own hypertrichosis, often tell a story that means more than what meets the eye. While the field of medicine views the body in distinct ways, a vessel for disease, a site for intervention, or even the physical manifestation of the person, we also know that popular media, discourse, and standards have redefined and shaped the body.

What does the body mean today? What does the female body mean today? 

So, I urge you, dear readers, to open up this book filled with fairy tales and monsters alike, so we may embark on a journey beyond mere flesh and bone, to delve deep into the depths of womanhood's intricate tapestry, fraught with the thorns of distorted ideals and harmful stereotypes, so that we too, may find the beauty hidden behind the beast. 

— Sahana Narayan, Editor in Chief

Issue Two: Violent Delights, Violent Ends

Perfectly Curated Just For You


This second issue of The 11 Seconds Magazine is for the thinkers, the dreamers, the curious, the outspoken, the artists, the change makers; it is for doctors, patients, and YOU.

First and foremost, I would like to welcome my editorial board. I am so honored that I get to work with such brilliant people, who are just as passionate and motivated to make change, especially when it comes to women's health. They've done such a fabulous job already, from content creation to writing inspiring pieces so I promise, you don't want to miss it!

When I first envisioned this issue, I wanted to tackle pain and politics all at once. To me, they seemed intertwined in some way that was worth exploring. But, the heart wants what the heart wants. All of our writers and artists seemed far more inspired to tackle the political side of women's health and so, who was I to stop them? As such, it only felt right to start this issue off with as Shakespearean of a reference as possible (well, second to "To Be or Not To Be" but we're not getting existential in this one). "Violent Delights, Violent Ends" is from Romeo and Juliet, and just like the Friar warns them of the duality of passion, we too hope to explore the duality of womanhood, motherhood, and girlhood.

— Sahana Narayan, Editor in Chief

Issue One: First Things First

Perfectly Curated Just For You

There's always that one scene in the movies. C'mon, you know the one   the main character sits on their bed, flipping through a magazine, pages flying. Sometimes it's mindlessly, sometimes it's to satiate a voracious appetite for answers, and sometimes it's simply in response to an overwhelming sense of inquisitiveness, tempered by our eye's proclivity for bright colors, bolded words, and fun graphics. Regardless of the reason, we can all agree that we've moved away from 'flipping' through much of anything these days. Still, we knew this magazine had to pay homage to how magazines used to be curated. 

That said, I am thrilled to announce the launch of the 11 Second Magazine’s DEBUT ISSUE, First Things First. Thematically organized into three sections, "Mothers, Daughters, and Love," "Periods, Pain, PCOS, Oh My," and "Exploring Women's Health," the magazine issue found below will walk you through our various pieces, creating an intentional reading experience that is meant to be engaging, enticing, and inviting. If any of the articles catch your eye, head over to the Issue One section for the digital article version. 

— Sahana Narayan, Editor in Chief